Camp Green Lane Blog Post April 5th
Earlier this week, Monday night to be exact, my daughter, out of nowhere, asked me “Mommy, what was your all-time favorite camp evening activity?”. A fourth-year camper, my daughter is ALL ABOUT camp. She could talk about it 24/7 and mostly does. Like me, she bleeds green and white and I love talking about camp with her, but to throw this question at me while I’m washing dishes and demand an answer immediately? Impossible.
In the spirit of the NCAA tournament (and Villanova’s win. Go Philly sports.), I decided to put together a bracket and finally come up with “one evening activity to rule them all” as it were. The champion of champions. The best of the best. I have compiled a comprehensive list of all evening activities (I had to include some trips to make this a proper 32-slot bracket) and seeded them based on years of data analysis. Here is my bracket. Feel free to send us your child(ren)’s as, not only is it fun, it helps us when we’re planning evening activities for the summer!
Good luck, and may the best evening activity win!
1 Seeds:
Sing Down
Capture the Flag Bid
2 Seeds:
Who’s Got It?
Message to Garcia
Counselor Hunt Bombardment
3 Seeds:
Glow-In-The-Dark Dodgeball
Paper Bag Drama
Know Your Counselor
4 Seeds:
Freddy Hill/Mini Golf
Movies Under the Stars
Cake Boss
5 Seeds:
Human Building Blocks
Ice Skating
Night Swim
Lip Sync
6 Seeds:
Human Bingo
Wacky Wordies
7 Seeds:
Paint Night
The Dating Game
Night at the Races
Meet Your Match
8 Seeds:
Night Leagues
Beat the Pro
Friday Night Services/Bunk Party
Spa Night