1. From Philadelphia and South Jersey
Schuykill Expressway (76) West to the Blue Route (476). Take the Northeast Extension (still 476 North). Exit at Lansdale (#31). Turn right onto 63 West. Go 7 miles and turn right onto Barndt Road ( just past Daniel’s Lawn & Garden center). In 3/10 of a mile, make a left onto 563 south. In 2/10 of a mile make a right onto Township Line Road. Turn right at bottom of hill onto Camp Green Lane Road. Go under the arches and make the first right hand turn into the parking lot where you will be greeted by one of our staff.
2. From North East Philadelphia
Pa. Turnpike to Northeast Extension (476) North, then same as above.
3. From Central Jersey and New York City
New Jersey Turnpike (95) South to Exit 6 onto the PA. Turnpike (276) West. Follow 276 to the Northeast Extension (476) North, then same as (1) above.
4. From Rockland County and Bergen County, New Jersey
Rte. 80 West to Rte 287 South, to Rte 78 West into Pennsylvania. Exit at 60A, (Rte. 309 South). Take 309 South for 14 miles to Rte. 563 (right turn off exit to traffic light). Left turn onto 563 South. After 6 and 1/2 miles, 563 makes a sharp right turn; travel only 3/10 mile to the first right turn onto Township Line Road. At the fork, bear right onto Camp Green Lane Road. Go under the arches and turn left into the circle; park near the two story stone building.
5. From Long Island
Verranzano Narrows bridge to New Jersey Turnpike (95) South to Exit 6 onto the PA Turnpike (276) West. Follow 276 to the Northeast Extension (476) North, then same as (1) above.
6. From Maryland, Washington, Virginia and North Carolina.
Rte. 95 North to 476 North, then same as (1) above.
7. From Harrisburg, York, and Western Pennsylvania
Pa. Turnpike East (276) to Northeast Extension 476 North, then same as (1) above.