Camp Green Lane Blog Post July 26th

, July 26, 2019

Today was an exciting day between the arches! We ran our annual triathlon this morning and it was so inspiring!

The top 10 peak athletes in each age group competed in a grueling race around camp. The campers swam laps in the pool, then biked about 1 mile and finished the race running about 2 miles.

It was so heartwarming to see fellow cabin mates and counselors run along side our participates as well as cheering from the sides and passing out water. Everyone in camp was supporting each other and all of the campers made us proud. The winner of the younger  boys was Sebastian Schneider and younger girls was Ava Gold. The winner of the older boys was Ian Pollack and the older girls winner was Kayleigh Bender. It was a wonderful morning and we followed it with a BBQ lunch and a Halloween afternoon!

We spent the afternoon carving watermelons in the dining hall to be judged at dinner tonight. All of the bunks got super creative and had a ton of fun eating the insides of their melon! We also had a hayride through camp and kids spent some time in Arts and Crafts making their costumes for the Halloween Dance tonight!

There is a serious color war buzz in the air and everyone is anxiously awaiting those three loud booms that mean it is time for color war!!! 1 2 3 4 we want color war! 5 6 7 8 when the heck is it going to break?!?!