See the generations grow through time…..
Those iconic words were really put into place two weeks ago. On September, 18th-20th Camp Green Lane Alumni from across the country gathered between the arches for our 90th Alumni Reunion! It was truly a special weekend with alumni coming from all over the country, from California and Oregon to Miami to Atlanta and of course many from the PA/NJ/NY area.
Walking around the camp that weekend, you could feel the warmth of CGL friends reminiscing over their days from years ago. Some were only a few years removed from Camp attending in the early 2000s while many other represented the decades going back to the 1950s through the 1990s. We were all talking, laughing, exchanging stories, each of us sharing our favorite memories. What made things so special was that everybody seemed to be telling and reminiscing about the same types of stories; the camper or counselor that got a nickname on their first day of camp and still today, years later, people call them by that name, do you remember when we did this or that, do you remember him or her… and of course the constant conversation about color war. The bonds developed at Camp Green Lane were on full display that weekend!
The first night we had a campfire with everyone making s’mores. Saturday morning Reveille blew, and people hurried to the dining hall for breakfast just like they did when they were campers. On Saturday, throughout the day many came back to camp just to have that feeling again. That feeling that once you are in camp, you can only feel. There were campers from the 80s and 90s who took their turn out on the zip line, while campers from the 60s sat and talked in the Circle, while some 2000s campers played BBK on BB2. We of course had a mid-afternoon canteen treat, served by the Canteen ladies dating back to the 1980’s. After dinner, we had a camp dance on BB1 and many danced the night away forgetting for just that 1 night that their camp days were long past. Some had a candle lit Firefly ceremony by the lake for some of their camp friends who have passed since their days between the arches.
It is so special to see no matter how long it’s been, no matter how many miles, that camp friends are the best friends.
It was such an incredible time! Thank you to everyone who came out!!!
Yours in Camping,
Jay and Adam