Camp Green Lane Blog June 14th
Once again, the dance floor was never empty during the Olympic Dance last night. Campers always love singing along and dancing to every song being played. I’m not kidding — if only school dances were this fun!
Midway through the dance, the Olympic teams took their positions to compete in the final Olympic event: the Sing! After a week of practice, campers had their songs down pat and performed them flawlessly. In the end, the Jocks were awarded as winners of the best song. However, after all points were tallied, it was the Preps who walked away as winners of the 2018 CGL Olympics!
Today at camp we welcomed 32 new campers to Camp Green Lane for the night for our New Ventures Rookie Weekend program. It is so nice to see all the young smiling faces enjoying their first time, and let me tell you they are getting the ultimate camp experience. They are trying everything that CGL has to offer and more. We hope they have an incredible first night at camp and this becomes the start of their Camp Green Lane journey.