Camp Green Lane Blog June 28th
Last night’s Pal activities were a huge hit. Seeing all the older pals bond and teach their younger pals new things was really special. The younger campers were so excited to find a new person to add to their Camp Green Lane family forever. The campers cannot wait until their next pal evening activity.
Another exciting thing happened at camp today, we had our Carnival Break! The group leaders from each division put on a skit for the camp at lunch to introduce the theme of this year’s carnival skits. Carnival skits pair together a boys and girls cabin. They will work together to make up a lip sync to be performed in front of the camp on Monday night. The theme is famous movie songs. We hope our campers and counselors get super creative and come up with some great lip sync’s and skits!
Tonight we will have our first out of camp trips. The Inter and Deb Girls will be going bowling at the famous Earl Bowl and the Greeks will be going to Super Walmart.
Hope everyone in the outside world is having as much fun as we are between the arches.
Yours in camping
Aunt Jessie