Camp Green Lane Blog October 16th
Hello Camp Green Lane family!
We hope that you are doing well and that school, whatever that may look like right now, has gotten off to a good start. Whether you are learning at home, in-person, or somewhere in-between, we know that seeing teachers and friends, using your brains, and engaging in after-school activities is what everyone needs right now.
On our end, we are busy working on summer 2021. As we said in our recent email, we are 100% confident that camp will happen next summer. We are taking all of the information from the CDC, the ACA, and our friends/camp owners at camps who ran successfully this past summer, and putting together plans so that our camp family can be together again in 2021. While information about COVID and the related health and safety precautions is constantly changing, our plans will continue to evolve accordingly. We will keep our families posted along the way and are always here to answer your questions.
It was wonderful, amazing, and spectacular to see so many of you at our reunion a few weeks ago. Having our campers and their families between the arches was a breath of fresh air that we all needed. The physical property – cabins, courts, lake, pool, etc.. – are still standing when no one is in camp, but it’s the people who live in those cabins and play on those courts that make Camp Green Lane the special place that it is. Camp would be nothing without our amazing camp family. So let’s just picture the buildings around camp hibernating for the winter, getting ready to wake up in the spring and welcome us all back. We cannot wait!
Jay and Adam