Camp Green Lane Blog Post
Happy Anyday!
We took a step backwards to make up for our lost Anyday earlier this week so that everyone could complete their cabin activities. The weather has been absolutely gorgeous, and it was only made better by pizza lunch and everyone’s favorite treat, a 10:00 breakfast!!!
After cooking elective today, I had the chance to walk around camp and get a firsthand look at some of the fantastic activities our campers experience every day. I joined the Inter Boys for their Instructional Swim which included a vigorous game of water polo, and Holiday for their dance class up in the dance studio.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again and again and again – it takes a special person to be a counselor. I witnessed firsthand today counselors in action, comforting upset campers, providing some epic high-fives, and cheering on their cabins and participating right alongside them. Last night while on OD, I saw tender moments between campers and counselors, including quiet comforting words and hugs on the steps of a cabin, and one particularly patient counselor who was letting her young campers braid her hair…over and over again.
The role of a counselor is extremely dynamic. They make sure everyone at the table has eaten and had enough food at every meal, paying careful attention to allergies and aversions. They spring into action if someone needs a bandaid or help retrieving a frisbee from a tree. These teenagers step into roles of tremendous responsibility, all to make sure that your campers have a safe and amazing summer.
Whether you were a counselor, had an amazing counselor during your time at camp, or simply recognize the impact your camper’s counselor is having on them this summer, I hope you’ll take a moment to pause and think about the impact that a great counselor can have. I assure you that ours here at CGL are pretty spectacular, and we can’t wait for you to meet them in person on Visiting Day!