Camp Green Lane Blog Post August 1st
Day 4 is in the books…and what a day it was!
The daytime activities had a Summer Olympics feel to it focused on Track & Field and Swim Meet events. In the morning, girls camp raced each other on our 100 yard track and competed in CGL shot put (softball toss), while boys camp swam their hearts out with racing lanes installed in the pool. After rallies and lunch, we rotated and had girls’ camp experience the pool’s new racing lanes, and had the boys camp compete in Track & Field.
The two early evening activities were as intense as ever. After dinner, the entire camp simultaneously ran division relay races all over CGL. With screaming and cheering ringing throughout camp and their counselors supporting them along the way, campers were seen running in every single direction as batons (one for each division) were being passed around at the same time! The Division relays are the true definition of Organized Chaos! As always, activities where every single camper is involved tend to be among the best, as it really creates an atmosphere of camaraderie and team spirit.
The main event of the day, however, was the second evening activity: The Amazing Race! The Amazing Race is a series of challenges laid out for the female camper captains. In front of the entire camp on BB1, the camper captains had to first make a long putt, then recreate a painting they can’t see (their partner told them the description), then put together a jigsaw puzzle, then sing a CGL song in Spanish, then retrieve shirts frozen in a block of ice using chisels, put the chilled shirts on and sink a free throw! That’s right — they had to do all that! The audience was captivated the entire time, and in the end the White Team finished their challenges first – congratulations White!