Camp Green Lane Blog Post, August 7th
Six days of hard competition and spirit will finally come to a close tonight and we’ll be neither the Green or the White anymore.
But first, yesterday was the fifth day of an amazing Color War that featured another signature event and the last of our cabin activities. Yesterday afternoon we came together for All God’s Children, a Color War staple here at Camp Green Lane. It’s a race to see who can get their shoes on and tied the fastest.
Following the always entertaining AGC, we all headed to the Globe for the Spelling Bee, which the White team won after a marathon battle.
Finally, last night were Campfire Skits, another summer tradition here. While they now take place under the bright lights of the Globe, rather than light from a campfire, the skits are big performances that feature young and old campers and are designed to show why your team and theme is superior. Everyone learned their roles and their lines in a short amount of time this week and both teams did a fantastic job on the big stage last night. We’ll find out today who won Skits, and later on we’ll learn the secret point values attached to the Envelope Events from the week (like Rope Burn and the Amazing Race).
This morning we’ll line up for Tugs of War, and this afternoon, another CGL tradition, we’ll run the Steeplechase, another massive relay race that begins with the two female captains eating a giant bowl of pudding and ends with their male counterparts taking down a half of a watermelon. The remainder of the artwork is also due today, which will hang here in camp forever to mark this memorable week.
Finally, tonight is the Sing, when both teams perform the songs they learned this week. At the conclusion of Sing, we’ll find out who won this tight Color War, we’ll hug and kiss our friends and come together again as one.
What’s your favorite Color War song?