Camp Green Lane Blog Post August 8th
Ice skating was a blast last night! Campers of all ages really enjoyed lacing them up and skating all around the rink in 2 private sessions just for Camp Green Lane. That’s right — we had the whole place all to ourselves! The cool air of the rink felt like a much deserved treat after spending the entire summer playing in the sun!
Also, after going to bed, Senior Boys were woken up at midnight and surprised with Midnight Madness! Midnight Madness is a longstanding tradition at CGL where the Senior Boys compete in a 3v3 basketball tournament in the Dome. The tournament culminates in a pizza party for all participants — it’s a wonderful bonding experience for our older campers. The winners of this year’s Midnight Madness were Nate Reed, Luke Rosenthal, and Ethan Cohen, coached by Tom T. Congratulations!
Today was Challenge Day at CGL, where cabins challenged other cabins to games across camp. To spice things up, cabins usually challenge a cabin that they wouldn’t normally against (like younger vs older kids, or boys vs girls). For example, Marlins competed against Holiday in steal the bacon — so adorable to watch — and Sands competed against Dodgers in knockout.
Tonight’s evening activity will be our last Survivor event: the sing! Divisions have been practicing all summer on their Survivor songs, and the winner of the sing will likely be crowned Division of the Year! Afterwards, by division is our Awards night where the kids will receive their trophies for tournament winners and all campers who have been at Camp Green Lane for 3 summers or more will receive their annual plaques as well.