Camp Green Lane Blog Post-January 3rd
Happy New Year to our Camp Green Lane family! We hope that you enjoyed some time off of school/work, celebrating and having fun with friends and family. Did you see camp friends over vacation? Be sure to send us pictures and/or post and tag us on Facebook (Jay Freedman (Camp Green Lane Family)).
Many people find themselves making resolutions during this time of year. Want to eat healthier? Help out around the house more? Take up a new sport or hobby? Now is the time of year to put those kinds of plans in motion. We at camp also make resolutions for the new year:
- Be the best Camp Green Lane we can be. All camps are different and have different things to offer their campers. At CGL we don’t try to compare ourselves to other camps, but instead strive to ensure that the upcoming summer is even better than the last!
- Hire the best staff. We pride ourselves on hiring amazing staff. While many of our staff members have grown up at camp with us and we KNOW what amazing counselors they’re going to be, some come to work with us for the first time and blow us away with their spirit and love of camp. We promise to hire those kinds of people to spend the summer of 2018 with us.
- Plan amazing events and surprises. Some of our events are sewn into the very fabric of a CGL summer. What would camp be without Color War, Olympics, Carnival, etc….? But we promise to bring new, fun, and exciting activities to camp this summer that will become fodder for memories, stories, and laughs!
Those are just a few of our resolutions for 2018. We can’t believe the buses will be pulling into the circle in less than 170 days!!!
Jay and Adam