Camp Green Lane Blog Post July 12th
What a beautiful day at Camp Green Lane. Our phones might have not been working in the office (Comcast is still reporting an outage to Business Phones throughout the East Coast), but everything was running smoothly outside. It was the perfect temperature to both enjoy activities and a dip in the pool or lake. Some campers participated in our Scuba camp today. They learned to scuba dive in the CGL pool and had a blast doing it. Who knows we might have some professional scuba divers one day that got their start at Camp Green Lane.
As we get closer and closer to the weekend, the Olympic teams have been divided and given out. Starting tomorrow our teams will have their first rally to prepare their cheer and song for the big day.. Also our Inters, Debs and Cadets are putting the finishing touches on their Disney spectacular show. We all cannot wait for the premiere on Thursday. A lot of exciting stuff is coming up in the next few day. We hope all of the Camp Green Lane community is getting hyped for it!
Yours in camping
Aunt Jessie