Camp Green Lane Blog Post July 16th

, July 16, 2024

What a day this was!

Today was quite an eventful day in (and out) of Camp Green Lane!

Immediately after breakfast, in order to beat some of today’s heat, we played a series of intercamp games against Camp Nock-a-Mixon. Our girls traveled to their camp and we welcomed boys teams competing at various age groups. We competed against them in basketball and soccer all before hot dogs were served for lunch.

It was an eventful, hard-played morning. But that was just the beginning of our day. In the Dining Hall, Uncle Max surprised everyone with news we would take a trip to the movies!

All of camp boarded buses in the Circle after lunch for a surprise trip.

We were all treated to popcorn, drinks and snacks in the comfort of the air-conditioned theater. We reclined our seats and the younger campers saw “Despicable Me 4”; the older groups watched “Inside Out 2.”

The skies opened at the end of the trip and a thunderstorm cooled camp down considerably for our return right before taco dinner.

An eventful day continues tonight with Casino Night for Inter Boys and Girls, Debs and Cadets. Senior Boys were scheduled for bombardment in the Dome and Senior Girls were going to play a speed dating game.

We did a lot today. Check back tomorrow for more about both soccer and lacrosse camp within a camp, Camp Kindness Day and tomorrow night’s performance of the camp show!