Camp Green Lane Blog Post July 19th
Today for the first time since June 18th, there was no one in Camp Green Lane. Instead we spent the day at Dorney and Hershey Park! The Inters, Debs, Cadets and Lower Seniors were all at Dorney. Everyone enjoyed all the Roller coasters and were happy to cool off at Wild Water Kingdom. We watched lots of campers eating the ever popular Dippin Dots, scarfing down ice cream and leaving the park after winning huge stuffed animals at some of the games.
The Upper Seniors and Greeks spent the day at Hershey Park. They also enjoyed lots of Roller coasters, and of course you cannot forget about the Chocolate. I was personally at Dorney Park today and I witnessed firsthand why camp friends are so amazing. A new camper this summer was going to Dorney Park for the first time. Most of his cabin wanted to go on Roller coasters and this camper mentioned that he had never been on one and was a little scared about it. Instead of putting him in a different group or sitting out, the campers all rallied around their cabin mate to help him conquer his fear. They stood with him in line and told funny stories about their first time on a Roller coaster. They offered to sit next to him and hold his hand. Most important they spoke about doing this together as a cabin and making a fun memory. The camper got on the ride and had a blast! He was so happy to have his summer brothers by his side for this first time experience. Camp friends can help you do amazing things. There is a huge level of trust that develops when living with each other for 7 weeks each summer. I am happy to see this relationship develop in a cabin because it is a bond and a memory that will last a lifetime.
Tonight we will have a Camp Green Lane tradition—mid- July Fireworks! For the past several summers, we have brought fireworks to camp the night of Hershey/Dorney and the kids love it! We cannot wait to see the amazing display later tonight!