Camp Green Lane Blog Post July 21st
Today it was like visiting day never happened! We went right back into our regular schedule starting the rotation over with a regular FunDay morning. Of course, we followed that up once again with a steamy day afternoon. We used the lake, the pool, we had a slip and slide on Cadet boy lawn. We kept the kids in the shade and water all afternoon! Hopefully we can get one more full rotation in by Color War, but who knows when that is going to happen!
One of my favorite things to hear is an older camper telling a younger camper about their first color war break and letting them know what to expect. Today was the first day I really started to hear campers talk about Color War. As I walked down form my cabin this morning I listened in to Holiday speculate when the break would be. The girls started to count down the days, they brought into account the special events left and what needs to happen after color war. It was pretty impressive for campers who have never even experienced it yet, but that’s what makes the wait even better. Everyone has their own idea of when and how it will happen! Who knows we could wake up any day now to the sound of 3 booms…