Camp Green Lane Blog Post, July 21st
Today was a little bit like the calm before the storm.
That’s because tomorrow is Olympics, one of the single-most exciting days of the summer here at Camp Green Lane! Tomorrow, CGL will break into four teams—Air, Water, Fire and Earth— and we’ll compete against each other all day in crazy-fun events like the Obstacle Course and Bucket Brigade!
Campers and counselors alike have been working hard on artwork and props for the big day. They’ve also been learning their songs for the Olympics finale—the sing—which is held tomorrow night. Afterwards, we’ll come together as one again and we’ll have our second dance of the year!
So, there’s a lot of prep work happening around camp right now in anticipation of tomorrow’s massive day!
Even still, we still had time today for a regular schedule in the morning, and a weather-altered afternoon that included Olympic rallies, free swim, and the preliminaries for the annual CGL Triathlon. We had hash browns and eggs for breakfast and hamburgers for lunch!
Oh, and we are down to our final few contestants in the Sock Game!
See you tomorrow!