Camp Green Lane Blog Post July 25th
1-2-3-4, we want Color War! 5-6-7-8, when the heck’s it gonna break?! Camp is buzzing with Color War talk! When is it going to break? Will it be a morning break?! Shower time?! Should we lay out clothes beforehand?! What are the teams going to be?! Camper captains? Song writers? Captains?
No matter where you are in camp this week, you are bound to have heard the predictions, guesses, and fake-break talk and it is awesome! The littlest campers are cheering, the oldest are dreaming of nothing but pudding and watermelon and everybody is waiting with baited breathe for the best week of the entire year!
This morning started with the Delta Fake break, right after reveille was blown, 1 boom is all it took and the entire Camp ran to BB1 and we were told, FAKE BREAK!!!!
The second, third and (dare we say 4th?!) generation campers, are reminiscing about stories of their siblings, parents, aunts and uncles and grandparents glory days of Color War. Who won Steeple Chase, who can’t look at pudding ever again, and who counts their time during any and all CGL Color Wars as some of the best days of their lives! The new campers are eagerly awaiting the unknown magical world of their first and unforgettable CGL Color War and the tension can be cut with a knife!
When will we hear those most anticipated 3 booms??? Only time will tell and boy will it be a great story!