Camp Green Lane Blog Post July 29th
Last night’s Color War Break was amazing! Everyone was so excited when the lights went out and the booms went off. The laser light show at the dance was incredible. Everyone was screaming and cheering as the final boom went off and we all ran to BB1. There we found out:
The themes– Green Humor vs. White Horror
The Captains are Melissa Raudt, Brett Rodos for Green and Drew Kevitch and Max Frantz for White!
The Camper Captains are Tori Auerbach, Lily Kelley and Ryan Musum, Jack Weiner for Green and Sabrina Greenberg, Rayna Ostroff and Sam Cohen, Ethan Kruger for White.
After the break the Gamma/ Sigma girls played Volleyball for our first activity. The Green team won giving them an early 10-point lead.
Today started with our first silent meal. Every meal during color war is silent and if you talk, you lose points for your teams. Of course it makes for a lot of fun for the kids during the meals and of course all us ‘adults’ sure love it too! So far, Green has lost 6 silent meal points while White lost 3 points. So it was a good start to the morning.
Then we had cabin activities for the rest of the day. Some highlights include, Gamma/Sigma Football going into overtime, a very close game of sea hunt for the Inter Girls and double over time Hockey for the Cubs and A’s. We love when the games are competitive and close! It rally shows that our counselors did a great job of splitting the campers!
Today we also had our first rallies and everyone got to hear their team’s songs. I always loved this first rally. It’s so awesome to hear everything you will learn and love to sing over the next 6 days and hopefully forever. From what I have heard so far, the songs sounds amazing.
Tonight we are having the symbol search during Free Play. Symbol search is when we hide items having to do with the themes around camp. For example a Horror Symbol will be hidden at the campfire sight because of scary campfire stories. Each team must try to find all 10 items before the other team. The team with the most items after 45 minutes wins! After that, tonight’s evening activity is both female and male staff volleyball games. The campers love to watch and cheer their counselors on!
The current score going into tonight’s activities is….
Green: 504
White: 522
It is an 18-point color war and the lead can change at any time!!! I will keep everyone posted on the score throughout the week. Good luck Green Team and Good Luck White Team.
Yours in camping,
Aunt Jessie