Camp Green Lane Blog Post, July 3rd, 2021
You get out of camp what you put into it.
That’s a common message, but when it comes to summers at Camp Green Lane, it is so true. Because you can come to camp and go through all the motions, do all the activities and have a wonderful time. But if you come to camp with a certain attitude, an ability to laugh at yourself, to put yourself out there and not be afraid of things like looking silly, well, then you truly have a superpower here.
We saw this after dinner last night when our oldest campers, the Greeks, came to Basketball 1. They were asked to bring their best attitudes, as they were run through an obstacle course of dizzy lizzies and hula hoops, scooters and foul shots in front of a small crowd of campers and counselors. They ran and fell, spun and scooted to the crowd’s delight, all in the name of good fun. The laughter was infectious. You’ll see the images on Facebook soon, if you haven’t already.
The Greek boys were there to run through a scouting combine for Leagues, to test their athletic abilities under pressure, but here at camp, we don’t clock 40 times and high jumps. Instead, we laugh and play, and even when our oldest campers were asked to join in on the fun, we saw yet again that laughter spreads so easily.
The Greeks laughed at themselves. And that’s all it took to set the tone for yet another memorable Green Lane evening.
From the biggest boys in camp, all the way down to the youngest little girls, the recipe for a successful CGL activity requires you to only bring your best attitude.
You get out of camp what you put in, and last night we saw how little effort that takes. And how powerful a good attitude is here.
Bravo, Greeks.