Camp Green Lane Blog Post- June 23rd
Today was a beautiful day at Camp Green Lane: not a cloud in sight and smiles all around. We started off our day with our first breakfast of the summer, eggs, cheese and English muffins. After clean up, it was time to start our very first Camp Green Lane Day–Someday.
The days of the week do not exist in Camp Green Lane. Instead, we use Someday, Anyday, OneDay, Heyday, Sayday, Playday and Funday. We do this so that our schedule can continue to run through rainy days, trips and special events without having any camper miss out on the activities planned for that day. We also do this so that all campers can get lost in the magic of CGL without having the weight of reality with the days of the week.
For first period, the campers learned all about the options they have this summer for both Clinic and Elective. Clinic happens every day, and is a chance for kids to get extra instruction in a sport they’re interested in. Some of the options include basketball, tennis, soccer, lacrosse, hockey, football, softball, and volleyball. Electives are every other day and are a time when campers can spend extra time at some of their favorite activities like cooking, arts and crafts, the lake, video and high ropes.
After that, we had lots of different cabin activities. Dunes and Hyatt played a great game of kickball out on Softball 1, some great basketball instruction w Chase, and the Tigers made delicious snacks at cooking. All the rest of our cabins were also out and about at activities like gaga, archery, hockey and gymnastics.
Our divisions also held leagues tryouts and their drafts today. Leagues are when the entire division is divided into teams and play sports against one another throughout the summer. This is a great opportunity for campers to get to play sports with other campers outside of their own cabin within their division. The winners of each divisional league at the end of the summer get a trophy and a pizza party! Yum!
Tonight we have our first divisional evening activities. The Inter Boys and Inter Girls, each have separately, Meet Your Match, while the Debs girls are playing Message to Garcia, Cadet boys are playing Send Me, Senior Girls are Playing Panic and Senior Boys are playing a 3 on 3 basketball tournament.
It was really an incredible first full day had by all, and we can’t wait for the rest of the summer!