Camp Green Lane Blog Post, June 26th
Good luck sleeping tonight.
There is so much anticipation for tomorrow, about what this summer will bring, what new friendships we’ll make, what goals we achieve and all the special things that will happen over the next seven weeks.
And that’s just the counselors, who are anxiously waiting for tomorrow to come to experience the magic of a CGL summer they’ve heard so much about.
The anticipation is palpable. You can see it in the faces of our new and returning staff and just like your children, they are raring to go.
Over the course of this week, they’ve gotten a crash course in CGL culture, from the language we speak to the games we play. They’ve been drilled on safety and have been made quite aware of the level of trust you all place in us, and how serious we hold that responsibility.
We have all been through an extraordinary year. And this will be an extraordinary summer.
That’s because there is an extraordinary group of counselors and staff tossing and turning in their beds here all night full of the same anticipation you’re all feeling at home.
Finally, it’s here.
Camp Green Lane is ready.
See you tomorrow!