Camp Green Lane Blog Post June 27th
Today, everyone had a little paint on them.
After breakfast, the first Survivor event was held on Soccer 2. Survivor is a summer-long competition between Camp Green Lane’s 7 divisions in a series of events. The competitions have no bearing on the size, strength or athletic ability, thereby leveling the playing field for every camper in camp.
At the end of the summer, the division with the most Survivor points is named Division of the Year.
If you remember from your packing lists, each division is represented by a different color. Survivor events are a surprise; you don’t know when they’ll happen until you hear the Survivor music on the loudspeakers.
During cleanup, that familiar tune played, drawing everyone out of their cabins wearing the colors of their division. We met on the soccer field and Uncle Max explained the rules of the game: each team had a bowl of paint; campers had to dip a finger in their color paint, run across the field and leave a fingerprint on the paper of another division. The division with the least amount of paint on their paper was named the winner.
After a spirited competition, the blue Senior Boys took home the first event.
Today was another picture-perfect camp day with amazing weather. We had waffles for breakfast and pierogis for lunch and fresh peaches at Snack Squad.
Tonight, Inter Boys have Paint Night, Inter Girls will play Human Building Blocks, Cadets go bowling, Debs will have a Counselor Hunt, Senior Boys play Cake Boss, Senior Girls go to Freddy Hill for mini-golf and ice cream, and the Greeks play Know Your Counselor.
And by the end of the day, most of this paint will wash off.