Camp Green Lane Blog Post, June 28th, 2021
Today was our first full day of scheduled camp activities and it was a tremendous sight to see.
Campers and their counselors went through the first Someday of the summer, a day packed with seven periods of fun and games. It was hot today, but that didn’t stop us from getting after it on Day 1.
We had come-from-behind victories on the flag football field, water fights on cadet hill to keep cool, Leagues scouting combines, while others mastered dining hall cheers that are as old as the Master Camp rock.
You can see new friendships being born, old relationships getting even stronger, but above all, you can look outside and at any moment you can see kids just running and playing and laughing and … just being kids again.
With 100% of Camp Green Lane testing negative on arrival, we have one more test left to pass before we can come a little closer here.
It was a great day at CGL today.