Camp Green Lane Blog Post June 30th
ONE WEEK IN THE BOOKS! It’s incredible how time flies when you’re having fun! The Globe had a special feel last night as Friday night services were beautifully conducted by the girls of Gamma. Friday night services really go a long way in building strong community bonds in camp, and last night’s “family” theme was right on point. Today was a very exciting day as we had our first “surprise break” of the summer! After breakfast, the theme song from the TV show, Survivor, blasted throughout camp with instructions for all campers to report to BB3. Once all campers were present, Uncle Jessie introduced the first special event of the summer: Survivor!
Survivor will be a revamped “Battle of the Divisions” where campers will compete against one another in mini-games all summer long at secret times! That’s right — campers will never know when the next Survivor game will take place. Throughout the summer, at random times, campers will hear the Survivor theme play throughout camp — signaling the next Survivor games are about to begin! As “tribes”, divisions will compete in mini-games of strength, endurance, and mind (puzzles). Inter Girls are the pink tribe, Inter Boys yellow, Cadets red, Debs orange, Senior Boys blue, Senior Girls purple, and Greeks black. The winning tribe at the end of the summer will be crowned Division of the year!
Today’s Survivor competition was a balancing contest, with 1 camper from each bunk standing on 1 leg. After about 11 minutes, the Senior Girls won our first event. The campers are so excited for a fun, new summer long activity!