Camp Green Lane Blog Post-March 22nd
Can you believe it is only 93 days till camp? I sure can’t believe it and am so excited the winter is over and we’re onto the spring!
Believe it or not, this past weekend, I started thinking about what to pack for the summer and actually put all the t-shirts that I want to bring to camp in a plastic drawer. I bet you cannot guess how many–It was 35 t-shirts! Yes, 35 t-shirts with only 49 days of camp and remembered I basically wore the same dozen or so t-shirts most of last summer. So I decided to try and eliminate some. BUT, I wasn’t able to because each shirt had a sentimental value based on my previous summers at Camp Green Lane. There was my color war shirt when I was Camper Captain to when I was a Counselor Captain, my leagues shirt from 2002, my Going Home shirts from the last 10 years or so. I cannot think of coming to camp without every single one of these. These are staples of my CGL experience and even if I go the entire summer without wearing some of them, they have to be at Camp with me! That’s the funny thing about camp—all the little thing matter and make the Camp Green Lane summer such a special experience. I still have t-shirts from my first summer between the arches in 1999 and you bet they will be with me this summer!
We have had an exciting couple of weeks in the Camp Winter Office. All of the special events and evening activities have been put on to our Master Calendar for this summer. We have some new fun activities this summer! Last week I was lucky enough to escape the snow and go to the American Camping Association Tri-State Camp Conference with both Jay and Adam. I picked up some really great ideas to incorporate at Camp to make this summer truly special.
So keep counting down the days and we can’t wait to see you all at the Camp Green Lane Open House BBQ on Saturday, May up at camp in May 13th!
Yours in camping,
Aunt Jessie