July 13, 2015
While there is no such thing as a “regular” day at camp, sometimes the best days are just the days where we run a normal schedule. I love these days because the focus is on our cabin and the activities we are participating in together. Activities such as basketball leagues, swim instruction, high ropes, arts and crafts, the lake, and kickball in the circle are the Camp Green Lane equivalent of comfort food. They are the activities we look forward to each summer.
Even juice squad is awesome. Same time every day, we have a chance to intermingle amongst our camp mates. Counselors that have spent summer after summer here at Camp Green Lane get a minute to talk to their cabin mates. Although they are now the ones in charge, they become an inter girl or cadet boy again when they bump into their peers. And most amazing is the siblings. Brothers and sisters, who spend the school year threatening to tear their siblings hair out, are suddenly best friends. Sometimes it’s a small gesture like bumping into them. Sometimes it’s a full on sibling love fest. These are the BEST. Like spotting a rare, exotic bird in the wild, it only happens once in a while but it still happens none –the- less.
And finally we end the day with our evening activities. The inter boys are off to Freddy Hill for a night of mini golf and ice cream. The girls are sending a Message to Garcia. The cadet boys and deb girls are having a favorite, NIGHT SWIM! The senior boys will see how well they Know their Counselor while the girls go on a Counselor Hunt. Finally, the Greeks put a new twist on an old classic and play Black Light Dodgeball. It was a fantastic “regular” day here at Camp Green Lane. I hope your “regular” was just as good.
Yours in Camping,
Aunt Mindy