Summer Blog Post July 20th
Happy Funday!
Fundays are just that here at Camp Green Lane; it’s the one day in our camp schedule that has 7 periods of play instead of 6. There was a lot of lake and pool action today, as well as other summery activities such as tie dye, popsicles at juice squad, and plenty of time for lying in the shade under a big tree.
Tonight is the Inter/Deb/Cadets show! Our campers have been working hard with our drama specialist, Meg, to put on a performance of Matilda for the rest of the camp. All day long, there has been music echoing from the Globe and pieces of homemade scenery being trekked across camp. I had the pleasure of being in arts and crafts while one cabin was making signs of support for their bunkmates in the show, as if attending a rock concert (eat your heart out, Harry Styles.) We are so excited to see what smiles their performance brings tonight.
There is also rumor of another Survivor event after dinner….don’t worry, by the time you are reading this, we will likely be in the heat of competition!
As this week gets warmer, we have plenty of alternative activities for campers to ensure they are staying cool and hydrated. I’m sure the CGL pictures will show the amount of fun we are having here over the next few days.
I mentioned last night the Pals evening, where the Senior Boys/Girls were paired up with the Inter Boys/Girls. After the blog was already written, Jesse and I walked back to our cabin amidst the fierce water fight the boys were having on Senior Boy Lawn, and I realized what I think may be my favorite part of camp; here in the summer, even the big kids get to be little kids and just play. Counselors have so much responsibility and they work literally night and day to make sure these kids are taken care of and safe. But when the water guns come out, they get to roll on the ground, duck behind cabins, and urgently refill at a faucet alongside our 7 and 8-year-old campers, as equal soldiers.
When was the last time that we, as adults, just let ourselves play?
Here at CGL, there is play every day. Even for us grown ups.