News and Blog

, July 6, 2015

Camp Green Lane Newsletter June 6th, 2015

Hello Camp Families, The Carnival dance last night was a huge hit! All the campers and counselors had a great time singing and dancing along to the music. We also crowned our 2015 carnival King and Queen, Max Reis and Hanna Stein! Now for years to come they will get called up to dance among […]

, July 5, 2015

Camp Green Lane Newsletter-July 5, 2015

CARNIVAL was amazing! Last night each cabin present their original Carnival skit. Each skit had to relate to our Carnival theme, historical events. It was great to see the counselors use their imagination and incorporate every camper into the skit.  Every camper was on stage performing their skit with their cabin mates which is always great […]

, July 4, 2015

Camp Green Lane Newlsetter-July 4th

THE BEST LAID PLANS OF MICE AND MEN   What a great idea-we take the camp to a baseball game each summer and we usually do fireworks at camp as well…why not combine the two and go to a Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs game close to July 4th and stay for the fireworks display after […]

, July 3, 2015

Camp Green Lane Newsletter-July 3rd, 2015

Have you ever watched a 5 year old play baseball? Chances are they spent more time catching fireflies and picking dandelions than they did playing baseball. Hopefully that is not the case tonight. Tonight is the Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs game and boy are we excited. It is a gorgeous 80 degree day here at […]